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Every man is familiar with this!

Traditional masculinity culture presents a dichotomy that puts men in a predicament. On the one hand, it defines masculinity as an evidentluminouspowerful, and given identity but only if he is perceived as the glorified alpha personality type. On the other hand, for many men with different personality types that are not chosen and idolized by traditional masculinity culture, their masculinity is an imperative, a duty, a performance, and a prover, meaning their masculinity is not given. It must be achieved, earned, and proven repeatedly. It seems difficult to acquire and easy to lose. Their masculinity has been turned into a quantitative parameter, which can go up and down daily. That’s where the notions of “man up” and “not man enough” originated. These views make masculinity a fragile identity and create a strong sense of powerlessness in most men. Any organizational training for sales and well-being without a deep understanding of these intricacies will be less effective for your male talent.

Click here to learn how to an unparalleled mental resilience training for your star performers to make the feeling of powerlessness obsolete.

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